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Concept 190 App Redesign Excersize


A redesign excersize of Concept190's App created to educate users on TOTO products.


An Application created to answer any questions one might have after visiting TOTO's Experiential Showroom in San Francisco.

An Application created to answer any questions one might have after visiting TOTO's Experiential Showroom in San Francisco.

The Excersize

This project was an excersize experimenting with new programs. Most of my work is done using Sketch. I found Flinto, and decided to give it a shot.


I was the showroom coordinator at Concept 190 and helped customers with any qustions they had. Because of this, I knew what information they needed before making a purchase.


The point of this project was to consolidate all the important information into one place to make a purchase.  Usually selecting items when remodeling a bathroom can be a stressful experience, and I would like to make it a little easier for them.


Information about the Experiential Showroom. Where Events are held and a place to  try out the products!


Product information on the WASHLET and the NEOREST.


A map showing you public restrooms that carry TOTO products.


A redesign of the Concept 190 Selfie frame so you can take pictures with your high tech toilet seat!

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